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Why Second Opinion, LLC?

Medical & Healthcare Professionals

Now more than ever, medical and healthcare professionals are under financial attack from growing government intervention, insurance provider regulation and malpractice lawsuits.

Second Opinion Consultants understands this assault on your income and has a system of proven programs in place to enable you and your family to protect and grow your wealth.

Assisting with Your Business and Practice Decisions

We Can Become Your Acting Chief Financial Officer

We will analyze whether you and your advisors have made the right decisions to protect your lifestyle, reduce your taxes, retire early and comfortably as well as generate greater cash flow in your practice and business

We Can Help You During Your Entire Career

As you grow, our goal is to make you more profitable, pay the least amount of taxes under the law, protect your assets from creditors, retire sooner than you expect and become debt free in the process.

Asset Protection

Our firm has been advising clients throughout the country in the areas of asset protection from creditors, tax savings, retirement planning as well as practice and business management for more than 35 years.

  • Increase Profits
  • Protect Your wealth
  • Increase Your Cash Flow
  • Increase Your Market Share
  • Receive More For Money Spent
  • Become Debt Free


Assisting You with Tax and Financial Planning Decisions

Let us Analyze your taxes

Are you paying unnecessary taxes? We will analyze your tax returns at no charge to determine if you are paying the correct amount of tax. During this Second Opinion process, we may be able to show you how to legally and dramatically reduce your taxes.

We can Assist You in Becoming Debt Free

Remember: Debt Free and Tax Free are the keys to your success!

  • Tax Reduction
  • Tax Analysis
  • Become Debt Free
  • Disability & Life Insurance needs
  • Retirement Planning
  • Career Decision Planning
  • Asset Protection
  • Tax Advantaged Decisions
  • Qualified Retirement Plans

Assisting You with Retirement and Lifestyle Planning Decisions

We Provide You with a Free Second Opinion

You will receive, at no cost, a free Second Opinion as to how you are doing now and where you are headed in the future in all areas of your taxes, investments, retirement, business management and personal life cycles.

We Can Help You Reach Your Retirement Goals Sooner

We will assist you in providing the specifics as to how to become debt free, how much money you will need to retire with and how quickly you can reach your retirement goal. We will make suggestions as to where your retirement funds should be invested. We do not believe in taking risks with your retirement funds.

We will help you analyze the Advantages and Disadvantages as whether to become an Independent Contractor / Locum Tenens or an employee.  We will compare these options, give you input as to the best decision possible as well as discuss and analyze your contract details.

  • Retirement Planning Decisions
  • Education Funds
  • Disability Insurance Needs
  • Personal Income Planning – Budgeting
  • Family Protection – Life Insurance Needs
  • Estate Planning

We are "On Call" 24/7 for YOU!


(866) 818-1091